Saturday, June 14, 2008

poems for funerals

Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be difficult and may require talking about your feelings, expressing your condolences to a family member or writing about your grief. A eulogy poem is a special form of prose written to offer comfort to the bereaved.

Delegate as many trivial tasks as you can to others in order to give yourself ample time to finish the major planning. Just sit down and write from your heart. You won't be expected to express the thoughts and feelings of everyone present, nor to give a detailed account of the life of the deceased.

The most common format for a eulogy is to follow through the major life events of the person chronologically, and to highlight distinctive personal incidents and memories. Many families and friends choose to write their own poems or essays about the deceased to have read at memorial services or posted on online memorial sites. A poem for the deceased that prompts that thought is invaluable after a loved one has died.

There are many facets to planning a funeral. You can include poems, quotations or passages from the Bible, when appropriate.

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