Thursday, June 18, 2009

poems to say at a funeral with easy beginner instructions

Presenting a eulogy for a loved one could be the saddest thing and the most difficult public speaking endeavor you could ever experience. There are a lot of preparations to be done in order that the eulogy delivery will be effective.

Planning a funeral service completely depends on the particular cultural and religious preferences of the deceased and their family. My feelings are that you should go with what feels right for you and what your departed loved one may have wanted. You can feel free to draw on the thoughts of a large group of people for their recollections, feelings and opinions, and speak on their behalf as well as expressing your own personal thoughts.

Ask other family members and friends to share their memories, anecdotes and stories of how that person touched their lives. If you attended school with the deceased, you might want to focus on your school days. A poem you write for someone you know of might just bring the same reassuring message to other families who suffer through death.

To be asked to deliver a memorial tribute is to be given the responsibility of assisting many. Again remember, the service and eulogy is held to honor the deceased and celebrate life.

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