Saturday, July 19, 2008

funeral services

Part of life is death, and unfortunately in our lifetime we will all be faced with the death of a loved one. In some cases, the deceased will have outlined the details of their own funeral many years prior to their death, of course this means that the family members are simply responsible for setting in motion this plan.

As much as the poem is written as a tribute to the deceased, it should also be considered as a reassurance to the living. Since a death is always associated with a painful loss, poems should be in an uplifting and inspirational tone. The life history will also talk about any achievements, awards or other good deeds the deceased accomplished.

Your eulogy can then be written on behalf of that group of the mourners, and feature just their recollections and feelings about the deceased. You may choose to concentrate on a particular aspect of life of the deceased. To add a poem to your eulogy or condolence letter, first you must consider who the person was and what they would have appreciated or enjoyed read.

Writing the eulogy is not an easy thing but take the info here to help you through it. If you find it hard to think of moving things to say, you may want to look at various sources for inspiration or short quotes to include in your speech.

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