Tuesday, September 23, 2008

thank you note after funeral

An effective eulogy does not happen in just a blink of an eye. A eulogy is a speech written to be read at funerals, to commemorate the memory of a departed one.

The best source of funeral information, of course, can be found through funeral homes. A eulogy is usually delivered as a speech at a funeral service. A poem can be about the life of the one who has passed or just kind words.

The most common format for a eulogy is to follow through the major life events of the person chronologically, and to highlight distinctive personal incidents and memories. You'll only have to speak for five to ten minutes, your gift will live on in the hearts of the deceased's family and friends. Eulogies are meant to convey the reasons the deceased will be missed and how much he was loved.

It is a chance to help others begin the transition to a life after the person's passing. It should be written and delivered from the heart.

Kalamazoo Gazette Obituaries - Fedding Planning 101

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